Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again--Rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 (NLT)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This story was written for young, unmarried men and women in order  to inspire confidence that God is truly faithful and that HIS Plan is the best plan for their lives.

In the year 2001, while America was experiencing the 9/11 tragedy, a young man was in Australia helping set up a new extension campus for Calvary Chapel Bible College. He was focused on serving and loving God, yet he began to get impatient.  He noticed others around him who had boyfriends and girlfriends and were in the process of planning their future lives together.  You see, he had patiently waited for 21 years (although, in reality, he spent 13 of those hating girls).  He had never dated or had a girlfriend.  He wanted to hold out and wait for God's BEST in his life.

He cried out to God as his desire for a wife grew ever stronger.  "Lord", he said, "Am I really suppose to wait for You?  Or should I just pick someone and trust that you'll bless me in it?"  He wondered if he had missed past opportunities that the Lord had already given him.  And he began to think that he was too picky--that his standards for what he wanted in a wife were too high.

As this young man was seriously considering lowering his expectations for what a wife should be, he went for a walk to talk things over with His heavenly Father.  He wandered through "the bush" feeling frustrated, depressed, lonely and confused.  It seemed as if God was taking forever to answer his questions.  His rambling thoughts were interrupted by something small that caught his eye.  He reached out and grabbed the branch it was clinging to.  Curious as to what it was, he began prying it apart with his pocket knife.  It was a cocoon!  Desperately wanting to  see what was inside, he continued to pry at its tough outer shell.  Suddenly it occurred to him that in attempting to open it he would surely destroy it and, therefore, never see what was inside.  It was at this moment that God clearly spoke to his heart.  The answer he had been longing for.  The young man understood that if he rushed to pick someone to marry, it would turn out to be a ruined mess and he would then have to figure out how to "make due" with what he was stuck with--just like the cocoon.  If, however, he waited for God to bring along HIS choice of a bride, then he would truly get his beautiful butterfly.  In God's perfect timing and wisdom, He affirmed His promise to the young man that he would indeed show him "the Right One"--but it would also be the right time...God's time.


At the same time as the young man in Australia was learning to trust God and continue in prayer for his future wife, someone across the sea was also waiting on God.  On the beautiful island of Kauai, Hawaii, a young woman was serving the Lord and seeking God's direction for her life.  She had had so many wonderful adventures with God already!  She had taken the gospel to Buddhist monks living high in the mountains of Tibet; performed gospel dramas on the streets of Tokyo, Japan; snuggled lonely orphans in her arms in Mexico; taught English (and the Bible) to students in central China...What was next?  All she wanted was to be used by God for His purpose and glory.  She sought Him with her whole heart as she waited.

She was staying with her close friends who lived on Kauai with their 5 young children.  She was part of their family in every way.  As she received godly counsel and wisdom from the parents and enjoyed every moment being a big sister to the children, she didn't realize that God was preparing her to be a wife and a mother.  Many distractions came her way while there, and there was certainly no shortage of young men who took notice of her and sought her affection and attention.  But she kept her eyes focused on her Lord.  She had been down that path before and found it empty, dark and disappointing.  From now on she would live for Jesus and seek only His best for her life.

After a year on the island, she felt the Lord calling her to return to her family in California.  It was then that she began to attend Calvary Chapel Bible College, all the while putting her trust in the Lord to lead and direct her life.  After the first semester of school, the Lord opened a door of opportunity for her to work at a youth camp for the summer break.  At the end of the summer, she had planned to continue attending Bible College--this time in Europe.  But God had different plans for her.  Of course it was not a bad thing to go back to school, but she was somehow aware that it was the wrong thing to do at the time.  She had no peace about continuing with school, and as she prayed and asked God for direction He opened the way for her to remain at the youth camp during the fall.  Well, the best place for anyone to be is right where God wants them.  Her obedience was shortly rewarded as God brought her and her future husband together at the youth camp!  If you haven't already guessed, the young man to whom God brought her was the same young man who was waiting for his "butterfly"!!  As they worked together and became friends at the camp, God clearly showed them that His plan was for them to be married.  They sought God's will and waited for His timing in their lives.  He was faithful to give them the desires of their hearts!

For a gift on our wedding day Luke gave me a necklace with a gold butterfly so that I may always remember that I am his perfect and precious butterfly (chosen by God) who was worth waiting for!

(I gave him a new handgun...but that's not really relevant to this particular story!)

Monday, January 10, 2011


Tonight our little Jessie, who is almost 3, chose a book about "The First Thanksgiving" for her bedtime story.  The story gave a brief overview of historical events (about the pilgrims and Native Americans) and then told of the importance of being thankful.  The reason the Pilgrims gathered to feast with their Indian neighbors was because they were so thankful at how they had been blessed with an abundance of food after an unimaginably harsh winter (in which half of their population had died).  They realized that God had provided for them through the help of the Native Americans, and they shared all they had out of hearts filled with gratitude toward their Creator and new friends. 

It occurred to me as I was reading that it might be a good idea to treat every mealtime the same way we do Thanksgiving dinner.  It has become the custom of our family on Thanksgiving, before we feast,  to take turns telling each other what we are all thankful for.  Why not do this on a daily basis?  Of course we thank God for our food when we "say Grace", but I think I'd like for us to take it a bit farther than make sure everyone in the family has the opportunity each day to vocalize their thankfulness.  For those of you who have seen "Madame Blueberry" (Veggie Tales), you know as well as I that "a thankful heart is a happy heart!"

We'll start doing it and let you know how it goes.  Of course we can give thanks at any time...not just meals.  There have been many times when my bad attitude was almost instantly transformed when I remembered to be thankful.  Try it and see how you feel.  Especially if you're in a blue sort of mood.  Begin to think of the things you are thankful for.  Write them down.  Tell someone.  This is a sound recipe for having a good day!

"Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."                                                                                                                                                                         I Thessalonians 5:16-18


Jessie:  "I'm thankful for Grammy Kent and Uncle Gabe and lots and lots of lizards...this many!  (holding up both hands)...And for friends--Laura &Elena and Gabby & Garrett and their mom...And for little hearts and monkeys!  And I'm thankful for pillows and my mom and dad and movies..."

Elena:  "I'm thankful for my family and my friends.  I'm also thankful for my bed, my pillows, my nice, soft, comfy blankets and my mom and dad."

Laura:  "I'm thankful for my beautiful dollies and my wonderful family.  And I'm very, very thankful for my wonderful friends Sophie and Maddie.  And...for my wonderful Auntie Hop and Uncle Oscar...they are nice!"

Mara:  "I have so very many things to be thankful for, and the more I think about it, the more I realize I have nothing to be UNthankful for!   Just the fact that I exist is reason to give thanks to our Creator every moment of each day.  But not only that, He also delighted to bless me with...
a husband who truly loves me (more than I could have hoped for); 4 beautiful, smart, healthy, funny children; good friends and mentors at various times in my life when I really needed them; the opportunity to hear about and receive Jesus as my Savior; a warm house; food on a daily basis; clean water; hot showers; a dishwaher (Thanks Dad and Jill!); fresh chicken eggs...this could go on forever!  Oh...Let's not forget dark chocolate!...And tropical beaches!!

Luke: "I'm thankful for God's amazing creation that He's given us to enjoy!  Trees, mountains, sky...the opportunity to explore it all.  Basic necessities, that we take so easily for granted, available at our fingertips.  Everything we need in abundance.  Of course I would be remiss not to mention my amazing family!  A wife far better than I ever imagined I would have--far more supportive,  Kids that make me immensely proud.  My greatest reason for thankfulness would certainly be the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  I'm thankful for America...a country that still allows us many freedoms and opportunities..."

Caleb: (He can't speak for himself yet, but I'm sure this is what he'd say)..."Mommy's milk; a mommy and daddy who love me; beautiful sisters who daily smother me with kisses!"


This is my first time "blogging".  I'm realizing how much I miss some friends and family, so this is my attempt to stay more connected with everyone I love.  With four children (ages 6, 5, almost 3, and 3 months old), and a wonderful husband whom I dearly love (and would much rather be spending time with than staring at a computer), time will tell if my blog attempt is successful or not...

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